Resume Writing Templates
Top Interview Questions
LinkedIn Optimization
Professional Pictures
Cover Letter Templates
Compensation Negotiations
TrackingNavigating Career Change
Job Searching Best Practices
Job/Career Paths Planning
Interview Preparation
Multi Offer Letter Analysis
Resume Writing
Create (Revise) a Unique Professional Resume
Conduct a Phone consultation with myself to discuss experience
Utilize proven resume formats that gets employers’ attention.
Keyword optimized to get through Applicant Tracking Systems.
Personalized draft turned around within 3-5 business days
Make up to 3 rounds of comprehensive revisions
Your final resume emailed to you in Word & PDF

Application & Interview Tracking
Utilize our Tracker/Journal Template during your job search process to:
Stay organization when tracking every job you've applied to
Organize your interview notes in real time to reference back to compare when making your decision
Journal your post-interview thoughts, feelings or additional questions for the next interview
Make sure nothing falls between the cracks like a follow-up thank you email.

LinkedIn Optimization
LinkedIn is the largest online professional network, with over 400 million members.
According to LinkedIn, having a picture makes your profile 14 times more likely to be viewed! ​
Knowing how to build and present a snapshot of you in a profile is essential to all career progression.
70% of employers find their candidate on LinkedIn
90% of all recruiters/ hiring manger's will review your LinkedIn prior to calling/meeting you for an interview

Job Searching Best Practices
Resources & Methods to Job Hunting
Best practice for finding & matching with the best opportunities for you
Utilizing professional connection as "Centers of Influence" to enhance your effort
How to leverage LinkedIn and other job sourcing website
Set up specific alert for you
Get employee to start finding you
Career Fair & Networking Groups
How to ask a connection to put a good word in for you

New Professional Picture
We will take new pictures (if necessary) with editing to create the best professional image of you
Having and updating a Professional Picture is a must in today culture. ​
Cropped or cell phone pictures are a poor representation of you and what you can provide.
90% of Employers will look you up on LinkedIn or Google prior to an interview, which mean they are creating a perspective of who you are before you even meet

Ideal Job | Career Path
You've probably thought about your idea job, but have you ever took to time to review personality assessments, past positions/companies and actually put into writing your ideal job description?​
Review your Strengths & Weaknesses | Industries are you targeting
Do you want to Manage people | How much travel do you prefer
What type of Company Culture & Values are you best aligned with?
Do you work best; by yourself or in a team?

Cover Letters | Follow-Up Letters
Your "Cover Letter" gives you the ability to "tell your story" and compliment your custom resume
It articulates your experience and how you'd add value to the company
It expresses specifically how your past experiences are aligned which the position to great maximum value
It elaborate on why you'd be the best person for that position and a great culture fit
"Thanks You Letter" are another necessary step after every interview which we'll help you customize

Interview Preparation
Weather you're brushing up on your interview skills or about to have a interview for your dream job, you can never be over prepared
1-hour coaching calls to talk about and/or role play around
Handling a phone, 1on1, panel or day-long interactive interview
Best question to ask during an interview
Dress code for all interview types

Compensation | Benefits Negotiation
How to articulate your ROI and achievement to potential employers
Analyzing/ Reviewing your current compensation vs market value
Answering past compensation interview questions to maximize your future offer
How to appropriately and effectively make a case for a pay increase during an annual review or whenever justified
Insight into how corporate policy and pay scales actually work
Leveraging other offers to effectively increase your comp.
Building a core belief as to what you're value is

Multiple Offers Analysis
In this market, it's very common to get multiple offers, including a counter-offer from your current employer.
Use us as a sounding board to Analysis each opportunity by:
Role & Responsibility compared to your wants
Salary vs. average hours worked (Effecting pay dilution)
Bonus history, Benefits cost & quality

Personal Summary Website
Top Interview Questions
Interviewing Company Bio
Annual Goal Planner
Navigating Career Change
Types of Interviews Prep
Branding & Business Cards
Professional Summary Website
Creating a personal online website which showcases you, experience summary and achievements and contact information​
Recommended for anyone at a Director or higher level
Creates an e elevated of professionalism to employers

Annual Goal Planner
Creating and tracking your personal, profession and financial goals is the foundation to anyone who's ever been successful. ​
A goal planner will keep you on focused on hitting your weekly, quarterly, annual goals
Successful professionals:
Plan their daily the night before
Review their goals and progress daily/weekly

Interview Questions Preparation
77% of recruiters see typos or poor grammar as dealbreakers, 35% feel the same about unprofessional email addresses.
39% of the candidates leave a bad impression due to their overall confidence level, voice quality, or lack of a smile.
33% of interviewers decide whether or not they want to hire a candidate during the first 90 seconds of a job interview.
Body language can constitute more than 50% of what we are communicating to our interviewer.
Over 75% of hiring managers use behavioural interview questions to test soft skills
47% of interviewers say they wouldn’t choose a candidate who has little knowledge of the company.
71% of interviewers will pass on a candidate who isn’t appropriately dressed.
90% of people who use an interview coach get a job offer as twice as fast as job seekers who don’t prepare
74% of HR managers prefer structured interviews.

Navigating a Career Change
Changing Jobs let alone Career takes a lot of reflections and analyses! Ask yourself:
What do I like most about my current or past roles?
What do I not like?
What drives me beyond industry, perks, or day-to-day responsibilities in my current job?
What kind of growth opportunities do I want to see in my career?
What’s missing in my role or industry, and how would a new industry help find that?
Consider what (and who) motivates and inspires you.
Take stock of your current skills and those you will need to develop.
Create a resume focusing on Skills vs. Experience

Personality Assessments
Understanding your own character traits can be a powerful tool when deciding your career path. Additionally, this self-awareness could give you an advantage when being assessed by potential employers. Taking a personality test could help you to:
Understand your own skills and interests
Be aware of potential challenges in a given work role or environment
Identify promising career paths
Present yourself positively to employers
Identify ideal work environments and relationships

Preparing for all Types of Interview
Just knowing how to answer "Interview Questions" aren't enough!
Employer are listening how you sound over the phone, present over video or what you're attire/background look like.
In person one on one interview will be your 1st in person so they're evaluating you and making a judgement within the 1st 30 seconds.
Lastly, panel interview are meant to trip you up and see how you handle the pressure of several sets of eyes and ears on you simultaneously!
The only way to be fully prepared with great answers while remaining calm, collected & confident is practicing through "Mock Interviews".